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Carey Baptist Grammar School
Senior School
English - Senior School
Y11 Literature - Scholarly texts
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English - Senior School: Y11 Literature - Scholarly texts
Year 10
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Year 10 Wide Reading
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Year 10 Literature
Year 10 EAL
Year 11
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VCE Units 1 & 2
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VCE Literature Units 1 & 2
Y11 Literature - Scholarly texts
IB English A
IB English B
Senior School Reading Guide
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Year 12
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VCE Units 3 & 4
VCE EAL Units 3 &4
VCE Language Units 3 & 4
VCE English Literature Units 3 & 4
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IB English A
IB English B
Senior School Reading Guide
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English as an Additional Language (EAL)
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Year 10 EAL
VCE EAL Units 1/2
VCE EAL Units 3/4
Library Services for EAL Students
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The Yield
Fry, Declan. (2020). 'The Yield by Tara June Winch', Sydney Review of Books
Marks, Suzanne. (2020). 'TARA JUNE WINCH The Yield. Reviewed by Suzanne Marks'. The Newtown Review of Books.
van Neerven, Ellen. (2019). 'The Yield by Tara June Winch'. Australian Book Review.
Connor, Michael. (2021). 'The book that won the prizes: The fictions of Tara June Winch'. Quadrant April 2021.
Labora, Valentina Sofia Corbalan. (2020). 'A Postcolonial Study of Aboriginal Identity in Tara June Winch’s The Yield'. Thesis for Universidade da Coruña, Grao en Ingles.
Sharrad, Paul. “Indigenous Transnational: Pluses and Perils and Tara June Winch.” Transnational Literature, vol. 12, November 2020.
Wagner, Erica. (2021). 'The Yield by Tara June Winch review – reclaiming Australia's Indigenous voices'. The Guardian.
Beneath Clouds
Cater, Samantha. (2019). 'Riding in cars as girls: discourses of victimhood, power and agency in Beneath Clouds and American Honey'. Studies in Australasian Cinema; 13(1): 2-15.
Clark, Rachel. 'Beneath Clouds'. Australasian Cinema.
Diprose, Rosalyn. (2008). “Where' Your People From, Girl?”: Belonging to Race, Gender, and Place Beneath Clouds. differences 1 December 2008; 19 (3): 28–58.
Gall, Adam & Probyn-Rapsey, Fiona. (2006) 'Ivan Sen and the art of the road', Screen Winter 2006; 47 (4): 425-439.
Walsh, Mike. (2003). 'Beyond Clouds: Ivan Sen and the power of emotions'. Storyline Autumn 2003: 10-12.
Watkinson, Rayma. (2013). 'Australia's colonial history and political present: Ivan Sen's Beneath Clouds.' The London Film and Media Reader 1: 151-160.
VCE Literature Units 1 & 2
IB English A >>