The IB Academic Integrity guide (2019, p.47) outlines the following points on avoiding plagiarism:
- Read and understand their school’s academic integrity and honesty policy.
- Design time schedules or plans to manage tasks sensibly.
- Maintain organized notes and sources consulted during the production of work.
- Seek guidance and support from their teachers or tutors when doubts arise about referencing.
- Cite sources by making clear which words, ideas, images and works are from others, including maps, charts, musical compositions, films, computer source codes and any other material.
- Give credit for copied, adapted, paraphrased and translated materials from others. • Make sure that information used is acknowledged in the body of the text and is fully listed in the bibliography using the referencing style agreed with the teacher or tutor.
For further details about the IB’s expectations in regards to referencing see the publication Effective citing and referencing.