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Science Week Guide 2022: Innovations and Technology

Glass Light Bulbs

Build a light bulb using a glass jar (1min)

How an incandescent light bulb is made (5mins)

The Science Behind Smart Glass (4mins) 2020

Have you ever wondered how a material can go from opaque to clear with just the touch of a button? 

In this video, learn the science behind smart glass and how polymer dispersed liquid crystals allow this to be possible.

The Glass Age, Part 2: Strong, Durable Glass (10mins) 2014

Have you ever cracked your cell phone screen? How about your car windshield? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman explain why those days may soon be behind us.

Watch as they conduct mind-bending demonstrations of strong, durable glass. This is the Glass Age, where materials science is constantly pushing boundaries and creating new possibilities for glass-enabled technology and design.

See how glass is shaping the future at The Glass Age website, presented by Corning.

Skywalk's Glass Bridge (49mins) 2018

Perched 4,000 feet above the Colorado River over the edge of the Grand Canyon, the horseshoe shaped skywalk's glass bridge is one of the most innovative engineering marvels of our time.

Why is Glass Transparent?