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JSK - Upper Primary Research Toolkit: Evaluating Websites


CARS Checklist

Using the CARS checklist will help you decide if the website you have chosen will give you the most accurate and reliable information.

C - Credibility - Who wrote the information on the website? Are they a credible authority?

A - Accuracy - Is the information current, complete, and correct?

R - Reasonableness - Is the source truthful and unbiased?

S - Support - Does the website have verifiable information? Is there a bibliography or list of sources?

CARS video

5 Ws video

Evaluating Websites

Watch this BrainPOP video to learn how to evaluate a website's credibility.

User: careybaptist

Password: CBGSK18!

Flow Chart of Questions to Ask Yourself

Website URLs

What does the website end in?

Look carefully at the end of the url.  For example, these url endings come from credible sources:

  • (Australian government)
  • (Victorian government)
  • (this shows that the website belongs to an education institution in Australia)
  • (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, a reputable Australian company)