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JSK - Upper Primary Research Toolkit: Using Images

Where possible, you should create your own images.

If you need to use images from the Internet, it is important that you locate copyright free images and correctly cite the images you use.

Where can I get images from?

Create Your Own

  • draw your images and scan them digitally
  • use an online drawing tool (eg. a drawing app or a tool like Canva)
  • take a photo

Use Creative Commons Images

Creative Commons means the person who took the photo allows people to use it if they agree to certain terms, called licenses. 

Most of the images in the websites on the right fit one of the below categories:

  • copyright free
  • able to be used for educational purposes
  • already have attribution included

If you need to find images online, use these websites, not Google Images.  Most images in Google Images are protected by copyright and therefore not okay for you to use freely.

Citing Images

Creative Commons Images


Photos for Class

Book Covers

If you need to use a book cover from the Internet, please find the image either on Spydus or Goodreads.